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Virtual Reality Healthcare Training  

Improve Learning Outcomes for Technical and Soft Skill Training through the use of Virtual Reality

Shift’s virtual reality is a more effective and scalable approach to training that is designed to teach new skills and develop critical thinking in a life-like and “failure-safe” environment. Our platform offers portable, cost-effective, on-demand training.

Saves Time.
Saves Money.
Saves Lives.

Improving Learning Outcomes

Shift provides a unique approach to training that improves learning outcomes through a focus on equity and a life-like application of skills in immersive virtual reality.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion focus

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion focus

Virtual reality practice experience to cement learning

Virtual reality practice experience to cement learning

Bite-sized lessons that are easy to fit into your schedule

Bite-sized lessons that are easy to fit into your schedule

Tools and Takeaways to support ongoing success

Tools and Takeaways to support ongoing success

 Sectors Purchasing Shift VR Courses

Colleges, Universities and trade schoolsK-12 school districtsDaycare facilities
  • Colleges, Universities and Trade Schools

  • K-12 School Districts

  • Daycare Facilities

  • Manufacturing Facilities

  • Corporations

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  • Long-term Care Facilities

  • Home Health Organizations

  • EMT’s

  • Fire Departments

  • Physical and Occupational Therapy Offices

  • Dental Offices

  • Surgery Clinics

 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training

Empowering Everyone to Build an Inclusive Culture

We help people and organizations on their journey towards understanding and embracing equal justice and belonging, empowering you to make a lasting impact and create systemic change.


Cultivate a world where everyone can thrive


Enhance your sense of belonging in the world 


Create a culture where everyone brings their best self 

 Staying Safe in the Face of Infectious Disease

Learners apply practical skills and critical thinking in dynamic virtual reality scenarios to develop competence, and muscle memory.


This 5 Course Series Covers:

  1. Donning, Doffing of Personal Protective Equipment

  2. Hand Hygiene 

  3. Social Distancing When Interacting with Others

  4. Patient Interaction in a COVID ward

  5. Surface Cleaning in Shared Spaces

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Infection Prevention Virtual Reality Training Demo


Helping you operate in a time of disruption. Supporting a new way to improve patient outcomes through nurse and CNA training.

Learners apply practical skills and critical thinking in dynamic virtual reality scenarios to develop competence, “muscle memory” and soft skills to improve patient outcomes.

Let’s Connect

Email us at to learn more about Shift, our innovative training platform, our partners, and more.

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